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Would be designed to synchronize the internal memory of the body and create a powerful informational energy shield

1 in stock



In terms of the body *

  • Help prevent and correct various respiratory diseases, especially in times of epidemics and pandemics
  • Would be used as a complementary aid and support in the event of uncertain diagnoses and in the presence of serious and prolonged illnesses
  • Contribute to the cleaning of various spaces and premises

On the mental level *

  • Would help to complete the treatment of serious forms of various psychological dependencies such as alcoholism, smoking, overeating, drug addiction ...

On the spiritual level *

  • Contribute to the awakening of ancestral memory and to work on ancestral problems
  • Would help its user to apprehend its body, its mind and its soul as an open, inseparable, energetic-informational biological system and in interaction with its living environment, to extend its living environment to the whole Universe and its organism to the experience of millions of years of evolution

In terms of energy *

  • Would help to resist the negative influence of the factors of uncertainty and chaotic phenomena of the vital activity, exerted on the consciousness, the body and the energy-information field of the individual
  • Awakens the internal genetic memory of the organism, puts it in resonance with the activity of the central nervous system, synchronizes it with the biological field of the individual and integrates it into the energy-informational bank of the Universe, while increasing it tenfold and increasing its levels of protection
  • Contribute to eliminate and neutralize any unwanted energetic-informational intrusion, created with the aim of affecting the health of the person and their energetic state
  • Would help to free oneself from the energetic grip, to purify one's thoughts and to transform them into programs of love and gratitude
  • Would promote the establishment of a powerful individual energy system intended to protect the organism
  • Would transform the human body into a well-tuned and responsive system, and its biological field into a powerful energy shield

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes

Information entered on this CEF *

  • Koltsov's “Gift of Fire” CEF contains the cosmo-energetic channels Peroun (THE SPIRIT OF THE SUN), Râ (THE GOD OF THE SUN) and Ar (THE SOLAR SPECTRUM) in “combustion” mode.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING THIS CEF “GIFT OF FIRE”: It is important to understand that CEFs cannot be used as a substitute for medical treatment prescribed by a physician. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. The delay in the establishment of a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of recovery or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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