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Would help to achieve success in various areas of life and increase the level of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energy




  • Translated from Latin, “tycoon” means “great man”, meaning an eminent and noble leader
  • If you intend to reach the top in business and life, to become a realized and influential person, to increase your prosperity, while choosing to act, to pilot your destiny, you will need a smart and loyal ally
  • Personal and professional development, training and development are all essential elements to become a leader and create a united team.
  • Finding new partners, recruiting employees, negotiating and signing contracts are all stages in the development of a successful business.
  • In this development, the CEF-bracelet "Magnat" can become your faithful companion.

Contains the following CEF themes

  • " Hit "
  • " Fortune "
  • " Golden sand "
  • "Zdrava" (without the channel of the Cosmic Mayan Theurgy, "Kapou")

On the material level *

  • Would help to overcome the period of stagnation in business
  • Would help to see new opportunities and directions for the development of a business
  • Would increase the level of financial prosperity, attracts the energy of material and spiritual wealth
  • Help to treat headaches of different origin, restore cerebral blood circulation, regulate intracranial tension, restore the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, putting an end to bouts of vertigo
  • Would exert a healing and rejuvenating action on the whole organism
  • Would help attract abundance.
  • ​The "Magnate" bracelet will help you transform the fickle wheel of Fortune into a reliable steering wheel of the ship you control. After all, only the strongest tame the sea and rise to the top in business.

On the mental level *

  • Help to harmonize the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain
  • Increase the ability to learn and assimilate information
  • Would help develop intuition, realize creative potential
  • Would increase the strength of mind, help to harmonize the emotional state and eliminate psycho-emotional tension

On the spiritual level *

  • Would activate the inner potential by allowing to achieve the objectives set, would help in the realization of desires and intentions

Water structuring time *

  • 20 minutes

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING ABOUT THIS CEF “MAGNATE”: It is important to understand that under no circumstances can CEF be used to replace medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. The delay in setting up a conventional medical treatment can lead to a reduction in the chances of recovery or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore in no way replaces medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. The CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee the results.

Further information


Gray, Purple


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