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Contribute to the normalization of the male endocrine system and the restoration of hormonal levels

1 in stock



In terms of the body *

  • Help regulate the functioning of the endocrine system and the hormonal system in humans
  • Would increase testosterone level and potency
  • Normalizes the state of the intestinal microflora and the male reproductive system
  • Restore the metabolism, Normalize the production of ferments
  • Would speed up metabolic processes, especially the splitting of lipids and carbohydrates
  • Would help burn excess subcutaneous and internal fat, while improving endocrine system function
  • Would promote decrease in body volume and weight loss
  • Help regulate appetite
  • Improve the state of the central nervous system
  • Would restore physiologically healthy and deep sleep
  • Contribute to the prevention and treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases of the male urogenital system.
    Used by a woman, CEF n ° 4 “For men” would help to stop abnormal uterine bleeding.

On the mental level *

  • Increase resistance to stress and adaptation to unfavorable external factors

On an emotional level *


On the spiritual level *


In terms of energy *

  • Would ensure the renewal of strength and energy
  • The Arri channel of Cosmic Mayan Theurgy, intended to normalize metabolism and promote weight loss.

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes

Information entered on this CEF *

  • shark liver preparation to increase testosterone level
  • Knotweed (or polygonum aviculare), herbaceous plant from the Altai region (in Russia) to increase testosterone level
  • Jerusalem artichoke for the normalization of the functioning of the pancreas in diabetics
  • Kuding, polarized Chinese tea picked from the mountain plantations of Hainan Island
  • Ginger, pineapple, Caucasian hellebore, pitaya (or dragon fruit) from Thailand, grapefruit (or citrus maxima) fruit from Thailand, modified immovine; anti-cellulite-1 (theme intended to burn subcutaneous fat), anti-cellulite-2 (theme intended to burn internal fat), cosmetic tea, relaxing product, theme intended to accelerate cell regeneration, thistle (carduus), theme for protection against psycho-pathogenic effects.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING CEF N ° 4 ″ FOR MEN ”: It is important to understand that CEFs can never be used as a substitute for medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. The delay in the establishment of a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of recovery or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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