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Help restore, conserve and protect the person's energy system

1 in stock



In terms of the body *

  • Help cleanse, renew and restore the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, as well as the entire digestive system
  • Would help to get out of the state of alcoholic intoxication
  • Stimulate the body's defenses and restore immunity

On the material level *

  • Would help make wishes come true

On the mental level *

  • Help to recover strength in case of intense efforts, physical and psycho-emotional exhaustion

On the spiritual level *

  • Would reveal the person's true spirituality, help him find the source of his strength and remove obstacles on the path of spiritual evolution.

In terms of energy *

  • Help restore, conserve and protect the person's energy system

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes

Information entered on this CEF *

  • The CEF “Source of Shambhala” comprises the polarization of the water of the source which gushes around the datsang of Shambhala (in Mongolia).
  • Shambhala is a mythical country, located according to legends in Tibet or in neighboring regions. Shambhala is said to be the center of the world where there is the source that gives life to all beings on earth. According to a legend, after the Muslim invasion of Central Asia in the XNUMXth century, the kingdom of Shambhala became invisible to human eyes. Only those who have a pure heart can find the way to it. The legends tell that Shambhala is a state of soul, the union of man with God. Finding Shambhala means attaining enlightenment.
  • According to various legends, there are three entrances to this mythical realm. The great painter Roerich had searched for Shambhala in Tibet (one of the entrances would be near Mount Kailash) and in the Altai, not far from Mount Belukha. There would still be an entrance, it would be in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. In the 1850s, Dr. Danzanravjaa and his students had founded a model of the land of Shambhala north of the Khamarin-Khid monastery. Today, this energy center has become a favorite place of pilgrimage for believers. They feel that their souls are purified in this sacred place and that all their wishes come true.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING THIS “SOURCE OF SHAMBHALA” CEF: It is important to understand that CEFs cannot be used as a substitute for medical treatment prescribed by a physician. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. The delay in the establishment of a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of recovery or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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