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Would be intended to burn the astral entities

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In terms of energy *

  • Koltsov's CEF "Cleaning" would be intended to burn astral entities
  • Astral entities are condensates of negative energy that evolve on the subtle plane of our planet, like astral energy parasites that cling to objects, humans, plants or animals.
  • On the physical plane, these astral creatures are invisible, only clairvoyants can see them. But we can feel their presence in the form of anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep, a feeling of heaviness etc. We become weaker and we feel bad. This can go as far as epilepsies or inexplicable illnesses. The church calls it "possession."
  • Often it is our own negative thoughts, actions, attitudes or emotions that create the astral entities. But they can also come from outside to hold on to us, especially at times of weakness, when we are vulnerable. They are found in large numbers in cemeteries and hospitals.

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes

Recommendations for use *

  • Drink between 200 and 600 ml of structured water on the CEF n ° 20.
  • Then, take the CEF in your hands and hold it at the level of the thymus gland for 10 min. Then place the CEF on the 7th chakra (top of the head) for 10 min. Finally, place the CEF on the 1st chakra (under the perineum) for 10 min, while sitting on it.
  • If you feel any discomfort somewhere, apply CEF on this (or these) place (s) in addition, until the discomfort disappears.
  • Finally, drink a glass of structured water on the CEF.
  • You can do this working session every day, depending on your needs.
  • It is advisable to clean yourself regularly, as well as your habitat, workplace, clothes.
  • To do this, there are three methods to choose from:
  • Spray structured water using CEF # 20 all over your home.
  • Put the CEF on the electric meter and turn on the light in all the rooms for about twenty minutes.
  • Attach the CEF to a burning torch and illuminate every corner of your home with this light.

Information entered on this CEF *

  • The Functional State Corrector n ° 20 contains the Maya channel "Tchalane" and some cosmo-energetic channels of the solar spectrum: Perine (in combustion regime), Spirit of the Sun Ar, God of the Sun Râ and others.
  • The "Péroune" canal would contribute, among other things, to :
  • restore the body's energy structures
  • inhibit inflammation
  • inhibit viruses
  • restore vital and sexual energy
  • activate the 12 DNA spirals
  • restore the functioning of the nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic)
  • restore the functioning of the vascular system
  • activate genetic, ancestral, historical memory
  • Maya channels do not require shutdown, as they themselves determine the duration of the action.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING CE CEF N ° 20 “CLEANING”: It is important to understand that CEFs cannot be used to replace medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. Delay in starting a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of a cure or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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