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Contribute to the correction of the body according to "the golden section" or the "proportion of Phi"

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In terms of the body *

  • Contribute to the correction of the body according to "the golden section" or the "proportion of Phi"
  • Would promote the rejuvenation of the body
  • Stimulate the production of stem cells and contribute to their balance in the body
  • Would restore the normal proportions of the face, correct asymmetries and strongly marked deformations of the face
  • Help restore the intervertebral discs to their normal physiological position
  • Would promote the restoration of the functions of the organs of the thorax and the abdomen
  • Effectively contribute to the strengthening of the back and abdominal muscles supporting the spine
  • Would promote the correction of cellulite on the thighs and waist
  • Help to harmonize the functioning of the central nervous system

On an emotional level *

  • Learn to react only to positive emotions and block reactions to negative emotions such as: affront, anger, irritation, betrayal, cheap shots, envy, jealousy etc.

In terms of energy *

  • Would help to remove all ties and negative programs, including on the subtle plane

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes

Information entered on this CEF *

  • On the CEF “Apple of Youth” are recorded the Yaash and Chaochak channels of the Mayan Cosmic Theurgy.
  • The number Phi, or the golden number, is equal to 1,618 and represents the divine mathematical proportions for everything on Earth: all plants, all animals and all humans correspond to physical proportions approximately equal to the square root of the ratio of the number Phi to 1. This "golden proportion" results from the sequence (or the mathematical progression) of Fibonacci. The Phi number has been recognized as the most beautiful in the Universe. The ubiquity of Phi in nature shows a connection between all living things.
  • The Egyptian and Mexican pyramids are built according to the perfect proportions of the "golden section". It is part of the mystical harmony of nature.
  • For example, the general principle in music is an octave which contains 8 notes, the piano has 8 white and 5 black keys, 13 in total. All this is also the sequence of Fibonacci numbers.
  • As the geometry of the human body shows, the navel is ideally located at the point corresponding to the proportion of the Phi number between the top of the head and the soles of the feet. If, by calculating the Phi proportion of your body (by dividing your height in centimeters by the distance from the soles to the middle of the navel), the result is equal to 1,618, then know that your body corresponds perfectly to the "section of" gold ".
  • Stem cells are the base (“the trunk” or “the stump”) from which the “tree” of our body grows. At the very first stage of its development, the embryo consists entirely of simple, undifferentiated stem cells, without special functions, capable of dividing multiple times without losing their characteristics. What is fundamental is that from these cells, under certain conditions, specialized cells can be born.
  • In the body of an adult person, these cells are found in small amounts in the blood and bone marrow and in smaller amounts in all organs and tissues. Can transform into cells of any organ or tissue, they play the role of emergency relief in the body. If a "breakdown" occurs anywhere in the body, the stem cells rush there to transform into cells of the damaged organ and resume its functions.
  • With age, the quantity of stem cells decreases and, as a consequence, the body's capacity for restoration decreases. At present, there are a large number of diseases for the correction or treatment of which stem cells are successfully used.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING THIS CEF “APPLE OF JOUVENCE”: It is important to understand that CEFs cannot be used to replace medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. Delay in starting a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of a cure or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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