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The main function of this CEF would be to create the optimal frequencies for the existence of any cell of the organism as well as its protection.

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In terms of the body *

  • The main function of this CEF would be to create the optimal frequencies for the existence of any cell of the organism as well as its protection.
  • Would promote self-regulatory processes
  • Maintains the energy of the spine and would help improve its functioning
  • Would eliminate cancer programs
  • Prevent the development of pathologies

On the material level *

  • It is advisable to spray structured water on CEF n ° 16 in all rooms to eliminate various negative manifestations.
  • It is recommended to keep this corrector in vehicles to protect against difficult situations on the road: the CEF n ° 16 is designed to free the way from potentially dangerous situations

On the mental level *

  • Would help to release stress

Water structuring time *

  • 5 minutes
  • X hours

Information entered on this CEF *

  • About ten cosmo-energetic channels are recorded on this CEF, including: Primary Frequency, Wisdom of the Spirit, Divine Consciousness, Merkaba, Divine Fire, Jiva.
  • CEF n ° 16 “Healthy environment” is supplemented by the polarization of plants: geranium, golden root (Or rhodiola), ginseng; polarization of minerals: aquamarine, tiger eye, rock crystal; rose, eucalyptus and spruce oils.

* According to Russian scientists who created CEFs

WARNING REGARDING CE CEF N ° 16 “HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT”: It is important to understand that CEFs cannot be used to replace medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. CEFs are not recognized as medical devices in Europe. The delay in the establishment of a conventional medicine treatment can reduce the chances of recovery or improvement of a pathology. This product therefore does not in any way replace medical care, whatever the possible pathology of the consumer. CEFs work in a preventive and subtle way, which is why we cannot guarantee results.


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